Justin Helmholdt
“Concrete cutting is a precise and intricate process that involves sawing, drilling, and removing concrete from a structure. With a focus on safety and precision, concrete cutting plays a fundamental role in ensuring the success and quality of construction endeavors.”
David Helmholdt
“Utilizing advanced equipment and techniques, concrete cutting professionals can create openings for doors and windows, cut trenches for plumbing and electrical installations, and remove deteriorating concrete sections.”
Damian Helmholdt
“Concrete cutting is a crucial step in various construction and renovation projects, allowing for the modification and adaptation of existing concrete features. “
With K&H for 30+ Years
Keith VanderHeide
Scheduling Manager
Mike Grassmid
Senior Operator - Byron Center
Electric Truck
Slab Saw • Core Drill
Kevin Heyboer
Senior Operator - Byron Center
Hydraulic Truck
Wall Saw • Core Drill

10+ Years with K&H
Adam Swanson
Senior Operator - Traverse City
Slab Saw • Wall Saw • Core Drill
Rich Gibson
Senior Operator - Byron Center
Slab Saw • Wall Saw • Core Drill
Brad Haight
Senior Operator - Kalamazoo
Slab Saw • Wall Saw • Core Drill

Meet the Team
Carter Stahl
Operator - Byron Center
Coby Kooistra
Operator - Byron Center
Dameon Skidmore
Operator - Traverse City
Zech Strong
Operator - Kalamazoo

The Office
Accounting Manager
Beth Brown
K&H Supply Manager
Jeremiah Bossenberger
Technical Manager